Milender White’s joint venture team Tah Yas (performed as MW ORCA JV1) recently completed interior and exterior renovation work on the historic Byron White Courthouse. This milestone project is the largest for the joint venture group to date.
“We were quite honored to be a part of this high-profile historic renovation,” said Shane Fobes, Construction Executive.
The facility was fully occupied and operational during construction. Renovations to the 241,123-sq. ft.,100-year-old historic courthouse included:
Tribal One and Milender White entered into a Mentor Protégé agreement in 2013. The first joint venture (MW ORCA JV1), created in 2014, secured the historic renovation work with GSA. Tah Yas is the second joint venture created in 2016 under the original Mentor Protégé Agreement and is certified as a Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) joint venture registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). The joint venture is comprised of Milender White (Mentor) and Tribal One (Protégé).
Tribal One is an SBA certified 8(a) Business Development Program Information and Communications Technology company based in North Bend, Oregon and owned by the Coquille Indian Tribe.
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