This 18 MW (dc) project is part of Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) 250 MW Utility-Owned Generation (UOG) Photovoltaic (PV) Program, a five-year plan for the construction of utility-owned solar power plants. PG&E supplies natural gas and electric service to approximately 15 million people in Northern and Central California.
To complete the work safely, with the highest quality standards, and to achieve the contractual substantial completion by October 10, 2011, Milender White was selected as the design-builder for the utility-scale power plant. Key statistics include:
– 15 MW (ac) / 18 MW (dc)
– 162 acre site
– 75,528 PV modules
– 240 combiner boxes
– 1,642 racks
– 8,210 piles
– 278 miles of wire
– 20 miles of fiber optic
Milender White worked closely with Blue Oak Energy and vendors to complete the PV Plant design in 60 days, within the predefined budget.
Once the design was complete and mobilization was in progress, an endangered Swainson’s Hawk nest was discovered 500’ northeast of our site. Activity was prohibited within ½ mile of the nest until the eyas (baby hawks) left the nest in late summer. Milender White mitigated any completion delay by redesigning the PV Plant on the southern edge of the site into separate packages allowing us to start the rack piles pending the final design of the medium voltage circuits. While overall the construction activities started three weeks late, Milender White was able to successfully complete the project prior to the original deadline